A pair of Mirage F1 CR aircraft from Mont de Marsan Air Base in South
West France have visited RAF Valley. The French aircraft were conducting
an Overseas Training Flight, designed to... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Sqns from RAF Wittering deploy in support of Typhoons
Squadrons from the A4 Force at RAF Wittering are deploying to support
RAF Typhoon jets as they police the skies above the Baltic nations.
Trucks from No. 2 Mechanical Transport Squadron have rolled out from... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Further upgrade to Armed Forces Pension Calculator
The Armed Forces Pension Calculator has gone through a further upgrade.
In this latest update the following new elements have been introduced:
The application of the 2014/15 Pay and Pensions rates, a complete
re-fresh of the look and feel of the... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Monday, 28 April 2014
RAF deploy Typhoons to bolster NATO Air Policing Mission
Four RAF Typhoons have today been deployed to take part in the NATO
Baltic Air Policing mission over Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. As
announced to the House of Commons by the Defence Secretary in March, the
UK fast jets will... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
EastEnders now want to include a military storyline
The soap EastEnders has so far not included the Armed Forces, but that
is about to change. The producers now want to include a storyline
involving a soldier returning from... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Additional Needs and Disability Conference - all welcome
SSAFAs Families Additional Needs and Disability Forum (FANDF) Conference
takes place on Monday 19th May 2014 at MoD Main Building, Central
London. Topics include: Children's education; Changes to... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
With great sadness and deep sympathy
It is with great sadness that the Ministry of Defence has confirmed the
names of the five service personnel who lost their lives following the
crash of a Lynx helicopter in southern Afghanistan on Saturday 26 April
2014. They are... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Friday, 25 April 2014
Calling spouses and partners at RAF Valley
The Armed Force Pay Review Body (AFPRB)
will visit RAF Valley on 15 May 14, and amongst other agenda items,
they would like to hold a discussion group with the spouses and partners
of Service personnel to hear their views on... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Katherine Jenkins to sing virtual duet of 'We'll Meet Again' with Dame Vera Lynn
Katherine Jenkins is to sing a virtual duet of 'We'll Meet Again' with
Dame Vera Lynn at D-Day 70th anniversary concert. Patrick Stewart will
lead a cast of actors playing Sir Winston Churchill at the special... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
RAF Tucano Display ready to roll
The RAF Tucano Display team has received its Public Display Authority.
The Tucano display is a solo aerobatic routine, one of only 4 RAF solo
displays this year. This season the... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
7 year old opens RAF museum in his bedroom

More on the Russian Bears
RAF Typhoon Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) aircraft were launched from RAF
Leuchars on Wed in response to unknown aircraft approaching the NATO Air
Policing Area north of Scotland. The aircraft were identified as... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Russian Bears escorted away from UK airspace by RAF Typhoons yesterday
Sky News are reporting that two Russian aircraft were escorted away from
UK airspace off the coast of northeast Scotland by RAF Typhoons
yesterday. Dutch F-16's were also... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
RAF Falcons ready to jump into a new season - 1 May
On Thursday 1st May the RAF Falcons Parachute Display Team will be
launching their new 2014 display season by leaping from a Chinook
helicopter into Witney Leys recreational field for the public to enjoy!
The RAF Falcons first... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
AF QRA Force are "An impressive bunch"
As part of a wider tour of RAF sites in Scotland, the Armed Forces
Minister Mark Francois spent a day at RAF Leuchars where the RAF’s 1
(Fighter) Squadron and 6 Squadron are based. During the visit to RAF air
defence headquarters the... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Dispersed Families Study - RAF
RAF families who live off base are invited by QinetiQ and Edinburgh
Napier University to help with a study specifically explore the needs
and experiences of Service families who are... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Studying for a history or science GCSE?
Summer Camp at IWM Duxford. Discover the science and history of the
Second World War. From the team at Duxford "If you’re aged between 14
and 16 and are fascinated by history, science, engineering or
technology, join us for our... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Lightning II makes its international debut this Summer
The F-35 Lightning II will make its international debut in July at the
Royal International Air Tattoo in Fairford and in the same month will
also fly at the Farnborough International Air Show. This will be the
first time the... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Thursday, 17 April 2014
RAF Poppy Adventure Breaks 2014

Wednesday, 9 April 2014
MAA cautions increased risk to air safety
As part of the MoD, the Military Aviation Authority (MAA) has full
oversight of all defence aviation activity and is responsible for
enhancing the delivery of operational capability through continual
improvement in military air... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Joint working - The RAF and Army share intelligence
RAF regulars and Army reservists and have been taking part in
intelligence training together for the first time. RAF officers and
junior officers from two of the army’s reservist military
intelligence... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
ONLY 1 DAY LEFT to APPLY for JOB of Evidence Assistant
The RAF Families Federation now wish to recruit a full-time Evidence Assistant with a starting salary of £17,079... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Military Wives Choirs symbol of strength
Claudia Bradby Jewellery and the Military Wives Choirs are thrilled to
launch their 'Stronger Together' bracelet. The bracelet, made of
cultured pearls and silk ribbon, features the Military Wives Choirs logo
on a pretty sterling silver... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
RAF Officer is World Champion

Monday, 7 April 2014
ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT to APPLY for JOB of Evidence Assistant

The Minister is impressed
Mark Francois has visited RAF Halton, where the headquarters for the
exercise is located, where he received a detailed update. While there
the minister learned more about those participating, and the scope,
complexities and massive scale of the... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Armed Forces Day Celebrations set for 28 June
A programme of spectacular events for Armed Forces Day will this year be
lead from Stirling and be a celebration of servicemen and women past
and present. Kicking off festivities will be an impressive parade of
service... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Unbelievable story of extraordinary courage by RAF pilot Fg Off Barton VC
Flying Officer Cyril Joe Barton lost his life aged 22 when his Halifax
Bomber crashed in Ryhope, Sunderland on 31 Mar 31, 1944. Fg Off Barton
captained the Halifax of 578 Squadron that took off from Burn in... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
RAF championing Women
At the Opportunity Now Excellence in Practice Awards, the RAF took the
‘Inspiring the Workforce of the Future’ prize. Opportunity Now is the
workplace gender campaign from Business in the Community. The awards
recognise... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Friday, 4 April 2014
Happy that RAF Reserve numbers are growing
The Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Andrew Pulford, has
spoken of his satisfaction at the progress being made in the recruitment
of RAF Reserves. Speaking at a briefing of... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
RAF elements deploying on final phase of Op Herrick
Defence Secretary
Philip Hammond has announced that the next deployment of UK armed forces
to Afghanistan is due to take place in Jun14. This week saw the UK’s
military headquarters in... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Lifeworks Courses - Helping partners find the ideal job - next one: RAF Henlow
Lifeworks Families now has a dedicated website giving full of
information, advice and details of how spouses and partners of serving
regular and reserve personnel can get FREE employment advice... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
RAF FF - Technical problems with e-comms
The RAF Families Federation is experiencing intermittent but severe
technical issues affecting e- comms - emails and web. Outgoing emails
are bouncing. Please if you are expecting to hear from us and haven't,
and it is urgent, please... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Typhoon Display Scheme for 2014
This year the RAF Typhoon Display Team will be showcasing the Typhoon
with a unique aircraft paint scheme. The impressive design was developed
over the winter training period to make the Typhoon even more... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
The RAF will be "providing Typhoons this summer"
At the weekend, Philip Hammond appeared on ‘The Andrew Marr Show’, where
he answered questions from the former BBC political editor on Britain’s
military capability, Afghanistan and Nato... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Armed Forces pension rights for same sex marriages
Following the extension of marriage to same sex couples by the Marriage
(Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 the MoD has amended the Armed Forces and
Reserve Forces Pension scheme rules so benefits for surviving same sex
spouses are provided on the same basis as those for surviving... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
Your new PAY RATES as of 1st APRIL 14
The 2014 rates of pay as of 1 Apr 14, together with accommodation and food charges are... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
It's PAY DAY! What do you think of the 1%?
The 1% pay award from the Government is given as of today. What do you
think? Do you think its generous in the current climate? Do you think
it's outrageous? Do you think the AFPRB has a firm understanding or what
you do? Do you think you... More information. If you are using a MOBILE DEVICE please use this link
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