Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Massive Problems in Procurement

Cathedral Tour

Rationalisation of the Defence Estate

Friday, 18 February 2011
'Endgame Afghanistan’ Watch on itv player

Watch on ITV Player ‘TONIGHT - Endgame Afghanistan’ The programme was shown on 17 Feb and gives an insight into the lives and roles of the RAF personnel serving at Camp Bastion. Presenter Morland Sanders follows a day in the life of RAF Chaplain Flt Lt Adrian Dyer, talks with RAF medical and Force Protection staff on a Medical Emergency Response Team, talks with the Stn Cdr and goes out with 34 Sqn RAF Regt...
If You Have Invested in Property through Blueforces

Blueforces is a property specialist company which has ceased trading and applied to go into liquidation. The company advertised its services widely to Service personnel and although this is an entirely private matter between those affected and the company, Blueforces is believed to have held significant sums of money on behalf of Service personnel and RAF Community Support are advising that...More information »
DELAY to Redundancy Announcement due 15 Feb 11
Detailed policy information in support of the redundancy programme was due to be made available on 15 Feb 11. We are able to confirm that there has been a delay to this announcement. Some important points of detail are taking longer to receive ministerial approval than had been anticipated. It is hoped the information will be made available within the next few days...More information »
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Disposal of SFA at RAF Daws Hil

Dawn Champions the Cause in the Heart of Government

Wednesday, 16 February 2011
The Facts not the Fiction

Monday, 14 February 2011
Trainee Pilots No Longer Required

New Rat Packs are Lightweight and Easy

Friday, 11 February 2011
'Any Questions' for Liam Fox

Jonathan Dimbleby this week chairs the topical discussion from Red Maids' School in Bristol and with him on the panel is Liam Fox. DR LIAM FOX is Secretary of State for Defence. He had been Shadow Secretary of Defence and last autumn was embarrassed and appalled by the leaking of a letter he had written to the Prime Minister outlining his concerns in advance of the SDSR...More information »
Early Bird Tickets for RIAT
Organisers of the Royal International Air Tattoo are urging people planning to join them in July to buy their tickets before the end of February to take advantage of their cut price early bird tickets. The Early bird price is £34, representing a saving of up to £9 per ticket. All accompanied under 16s get in free of charge ...More information »
Thursday, 10 February 2011
MoD's Response to Last Night's Panorama

More information »
LIVE NOW! - Watch RAF FF Giving Evidence

RAF Morale - RAF FF Speak Live on the BBC

Being Married to a Member of the Armed Forces
In the Daily Telegraph, Lady Caroline Richards, wife of the head of the Armed Forces speaks of the challenges of being married to a member of the Services. She speaks of the dangerous work they do and of the long absences. She says, “People always say: 'Surely you knew what you were letting yourself in for’. But you don’t. You find out for yourself by being thrown in the deep end...More information »
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
This Mornings News Furore

Quick Vote - morale
Quick Vote - Do you consider morale in the RAF to be as low as suggested in todays headline news? http://www.raf-families-federation.org.uk/
Children's Education Allowance (Board) - What is Happening?

Tuesday, 8 February 2011
On the (Civvy) Streets
Panorama on Wednesday evening focuses on those whose service for Queen and Country counts for nothing when it comes to finding work and a home in civvy street. In the programme 'Forgotten Heroes' Colonel Tim Collins meets veterans who struggle and fear for their sanity. He also talks to families who try to cope with husbands and fathers who come home from operational deployments, strangers...More information »
Imprisoned for Bringing Cigarettes in on Military Flights
Three RAF personnel have been imprisoned for bringing cigarettes into the UK on military flights. Sgt Stuart Walker, Cpl Stuart Helens and SAC Paul Garbutt admitted conspiracy to cheat the public revenue at Bristol Crown Court and were given custodial sentences of two years; three years; and three years, four months, respectively. Judge Michael Longman said all three had abused their positions of trust...More information »
Privatisation Suspended

Monday, 7 February 2011
Quick Vote - CEA SURVEY
CEA SURVEY. A survey on CEA has gone out via Dii. If you are receipt of CEA have YOU received the survey? If not, please let us know by email: enquiries@raf-ff.org.uk
Relief for Columbia

Seventy Years of Saving Lives

Saturday, 5 February 2011
Harrier for Sale - on ebay...

Mass Irritation over CEA Survey

Following our story 'Beware CEA Survey' and the Army Families Federation press release this afternoon, there is much irritation about the CEA Survey. Who has been asked to complete it; Who has not; A lack of access; Irritation at the way the questions have been phrased; The questions that are being asked... We too consider it to have been been very badly handled. Dawn McCafferty the RAF Families Federation Chairman is meeting with Martin Fuller, who is leading the Ministerial Review into CEA next week, and will be feeding in all comments made by RAF personnel and family members. We would encourage anyone in light blue, serving or non-serving, to let us know what they feel about CEA Board as the more evidence we have, the better. But please do it soon as the first opportunity to show our dissatisfaction is next week...More information »
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Calling all Reservists (and their Employers)

Impact of Foreign Postings on Spouses

Wednesday, 2 February 2011
In Recognition of Problems Caused by Service

Allowances - Giving the Federation Line...

Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Our Stories in RAF News - I am Leaving and I am Just Not Prepared...
Dear Families Federation, I am about to leave the RAF at my 22-year point and have suddenly realised how badly prepared I am for the transition to civilian life. I am divorced and find myself with 64% of my pension allocated to my ex-wife, as well as the family home, which she kept when we separated. I live in the Block so have no home to go to. Although I have a new partner, she lives in Housing Association accommodation with her children and if I were to move in, this would impact on her entitlement to benefits, something I don’t wish to inflict on her. I have no job to go to although I am going on a series of training courses so hope that will help. At the moment I’m facing a very uncertain future and I wonder if you can help?...More information »
RAF REDUNDANCY Programme - How it Will Happen

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