Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Reserves Under Review

Women to Remain away from Ground Close Combat

Monday, 29 November 2010
Urgent Call to Battle Back Swimmers

The Best Way to Support those in Afghanistan

Saturday, 27 November 2010
Troops to Teachers Programme

Plans to encourage personnel leaving the Services to become teachers has been announced as part of the Schools White Paper released by the Department for Education. Michael Gove MP said, "Service leavers have a great deal to offer young people. I can't think of anything better than getting people who know all about self-discipline, teamwork and a sense of pride into our schools...
The Christmas Party Goes On...

'The Sun' claims the MoD is 'cancelling Christmas' for personnel. The MoD has hit back saying, "All crown servants are reminded every year that it is not appropriate to spend public funds on Christmas". Lt Col David Eastman, in Afghanistan said: "To suggest COs do not have the support they need to help their troops enjoy Christmas is wrong. Significant effort is put in to ensure troops enjoy the best possible Christmas...
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Thursday, 25 November 2010
Heartfelt from Moray

CDS Talks of 'Decisions Made'

Wednesday, 24 November 2010
HIC Closing Times Over Christmas
Housing Information Centres HICs will retain normal opening hours until Thu 16 Dec 10 and close at 12 noon on Fri 17 Dec10. All HICs, excluding the Rosyth, will reopen at 8.30am on Tue 4 Jan 11. Rosyth HIC reopens at 8.30am on Wed 5 Jan 11. For duration of Christmas period the Repair and maintenance helpdesks will remain open.....More information »
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Help when Leaving the Services

UK Troop Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Sunday, 21 November 2010
The Winter Issue of Envoy should be on units or through your letter box shortly.
In this issue: Getting Ready for Christmas, the RAF FF's view on the SDSR announcements so far, the man who gave up an island paradise to join the RAF and much more...
Envoy, the quarterly magazine of the RAF Families Federation is bulk delivered to Stns/Units where there are RAF personnel. On some units they are delivered to Sections and SFA otherwise they are available from the HIVE.
If you register for your own copy it will be delivered FREE of any charge - Why? Because we, and the RAF, would like you to read it!
PAX Insurance Increase
PAX is an optional insurance scheme for Service personnel and their families. As part of the Budget in June this year the Chancellor announced a 1% increase in Insurance Premium Tax from 4 Jan 11. As a result there will be a 1% price increase to the PAX insurance scheme prices. This will take effect from 4 Jan 11 and will be reflected in PAX premiums for January onwards...
'NOW' Magazine would like to Hear from You...

NOW magazine is looking to put together a Feature Article on Christmas Reunions and would like to interview Service personnel who have recently returned from Afghanistan and their partner about their Christmas ‘reunion’. The magazine would particularly like to hear from a couple who have a newborn baby making their Christmas quite different from last year. If you would like to find out more...More information »
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Activity Update from Op Herrick

Join the Choir

Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Telford HIC is Moving

Air Rank and Command Appointments

Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Recognising the Armed Services

Wales are in Support

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Monday, 15 November 2010
We Stand by the SDSR Decisions

Armed Forces Pensions "Will not be Protected"

Armistice Day

Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Hit by a Speed Boat

Tuesday, 9 November 2010
RAF Regiment Lose a Member of 1 Squadron
The MoD have announced the death of an airman from 1 Squadron Royal Air Force Regiment. He died in Cyprus on Sun 7 Nov 10. Wg Cdr James Hill said, "It is particularly tragic that he died while returning home from a tour of duty that was dedicated to protecting his comrades and Afghan civilians while part of the Force Protection Wing. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family. He will be sorely missed..... More information »
Emotional Distress

Monday, 8 November 2010
Programmes for Remembrance Week

MHS Turn up the Heat

How Will You Fare if Redundancy Hits?

Thursday, 4 November 2010
Register for your FREE RAF Families Federation Envoy magazine
Envoy is a magazine specifically written for currently serving RAF personnel and their families (that includes spouses, partners, parents, siblings and children). We would ask you not to register if you do not fall into this category. You are still able to read Envoy and all back copies online.
To register for Envoy click here
Jointery with France

Wednesday, 3 November 2010
For Maximum Tax Benefit, Join before April!

Keep JCCC Details on the Fridge

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On Your Bike - A Walk will do You Good...

Tuesday, 2 November 2010
In Recognition of Contribution and Sacrifice
Monday, 1 November 2010
Our Stories in RAF News - 'Frozen Pay' really means 'Pay Cut' Doesn't it?
The wife of a member of the RAF speaks out about her concerns when the next pay round is announced. There is already a two year pay freeze in place for most and she is concerned that in real terms this will effectively turn it into a pay cut once charges and cuts in allowances are made.
Click here to read the story...
Quick Vote
Quick Vote - If eligible, would you or your serving family member wish to be
considered for redundancy in the forthcoming round of force reductions?
Click here for Quick Vote
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